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- Android / Linux / ARM touch pos system Member card management
- Android -Linux -ARM pos system 12.1"5-Wire resistive touch screen 32 bit ARM9, fan less Processor
- Cash register/ CAJA REGISTRADORA ECR 4M bytes Multi-Purpose Flash Memory
- All in one Android POS with card reader/printer/MSR/WIFI 1G DDR3/ 2G SSD for standard
- All in one Android POS with card reader/printer/MSR/WIFI on board
- Android -Linux -ARM pos system 12.1"5-Wire resistive touch screen 32 bit ARM 9, Fan less
- All in one Android POS with card reader-printer-MSR-WIFI WIFI ON BOARD
- Android -Linux -ARM pos system 12.1"5-Wire resistive touch screen 8 Digits LED
- Android / Linux / ARM pos system 12.1"5-Wire resistive touch screen
- Cash register/ CAJA REGISTRADORA ECR LF100
- electronic cash register LF100 ECR for retail shop
- Capacitive Android POS terminal
- Android / Linux / ARM touch pos system
- Windows POS/Android POS/ all in one touch POS RFID IC card internal Magnetic card 3G WIFI on board
- T serial All in one Touch POS system with 57mm printer/Android POS/Windows POS
- handheld data collector terminal MT100-MT200
- handheld data collector terminal more than 10 hours work time USB2.0
- All in one Touch POS system with 58mm printer/Android POS/Windows POS WIFI on board
- P1/P2 All in one Solution POS(ANDROID/WINDOWS POS) 80mm thermal printer with auto cutter wIFI on board
- Windows POS/Android POS/ all in one touch POS 80mm thermal printer with auto cutter WIFI on board
- All in one Touch POS system with 57mm printer/Android POS/Windows POS with 4g(Max.32G TF card ) and 64Gssd for standard
- T1 Android POS ALL IN ONE SOLUTION Freescale i.MX6 Quad-core 1 G for Android
- All in one touch POS system with 80mm auto cut printer/Android/Windows capacitive touch
- All in one touch POS system with 80mm auto cut printer/Android/Windows
- WINDOWS POS ALL IN ONE SOLUTION 58MM thermal printer 4G(Max. 32G TF card)
- all in one solution POS with RFID,-IC card internal -Magnetic card -3G 58mm thermal printer
- All in one touch POS system with 80mm auto cut printer-Windows7 windows10
- 3G/WIFI/Printer/RF ID/MSR CARD READER/IO PORTS Windows 7 windows10
- 16:9;11.6" Capactitive touch (1366*768) all in one solution
- All in one touch POS system with 80mm auto cut printer/Android/Windows 16:9 13.3" capacitive touch
- 11.6" all in one POS/Android POS/Windows POS-58mm thermal printer
- RFID/IC card internal -Magnetic card,3G All in one touch POS system 13.3"capacitive touch (1600*900)
- 64G SSD for srandard 2G ddr3L for standard All in one Android POS with card reader-printer-MSR-WIFI WIFI ON BOARD
- RFID/IC card internal -Magnetic card,3G All in one touch POS system 10.1"colorfuldisplay(1024-600)
- 80mm thermal printer with auto cutter WIFI ON BOARD All in one touch POS system 16:9;13.3" capacitive touch(1600*900)
- 64G SSD for srandard All in one Android POS with card reader-printer-MSR-WIFI WIFI ON BOARD
- 64G SSD for standard WIFI ON BOARD All in one touch POS system 10.1"colorfuldisplay(1024-600)
- WIFI ON BOARD All in one touch POS system 10.1"colorfuldisplay(1024-600)
- All in one Android POS with card reader-printer-MSR-WIFI WIFI ON BOARD with 58mm thermal printer
- all in one solution POS with RFID,-IC card internal -Magnetic card -3G
- WIFI ON BOARD All in one touch POS system 16:9;13.3" capacitive touch(1600*900)
- WIFI ON BOARD All in one touch POS system with 80mm auto cut printer-Android-Windows
- 16:9;11.6" Capactitive touch (1366*768) all in one solution POS
- All in one capacitive touch POS(Android-Windows) system with 80mm auto cut printer
- All in one touch POS system with 80mm auto cut printer-Android/Windows
- Quad core Android POS system all in one
- All in one touch POS system with 80mm auto cut printer/Android/Windows 64 G SSD for standard
- All in one POS solution
- 11.6" all in one POS/Android POS/Windows POS
- 13.3" Dual display all in one touch POS for Restaurant/Retail
- Windows POS/Android POS/ all in one touch POS
- with 57mm printe All in one Touch POS systemr(Android POS/Windows POS)
- 16:9 Capacitive touch All in one POS Solution
- P1/P2 All in one Solution POS(ANDROID/WINDOWS POS)
- Linux POS system 57mm thermal printer MSR RF card reader, WIFI module
- Linux POS ARM-based POS with open platform OS
- Linux POS Embedded ARM CPU,no virus attack
- Linux POS system 42 Raised keyboard 57mm thermal printer
- Linux touch POS terminal/POS system/all in one POS/Linux 8Digits LED CUSTOMER DISPLAY
- ARM POS Linux system 3*COM 2*UBS 1Ethernet2*ps/2
- ARM POS Linux system
- Linux touch POS terminal/POS system/all in one POS/Linux
- Linux POS system
- Linux POS
- Android/Linux POS system
- electronic cash register Hotkeys open and transfer table functions
- Electronic Cash Register LF100 Electronic Journal and other reports browse
- electronic cash register serial port for peripherals like scanner scale kitchen printer pc programming
- Electronic cash register/ CAJA REGISTRADORA /ECR LF100 128*64 LCD operator display
- Electonic Cash reister - 57mm,75mm 1-station thermal printer keyboard programme 20 payment method
- Electronic cash register/ CAJA REGISTRADORA /ECR fast easy paper
- Electronic cash register/ CAJA REGISTRADORA /ECR LF100 45keys battery Optional
- Electronic cash register-CAJA REGISTRADORA- ECR 45kyes keyboard 12LPS Printing speed
- Electonic Cash reister - 57mm,75mm 1-station thermal printer 12LPS printing speed
- Electronic cash register/CAJA REGISTRADORA/ ECR keyboard programme
- electronic cash register 4M byts Multi-Purpose Flash 57mm-75mm 1-station thermal printer Dot matrix Printer can optional
- electronic cash register 128*64 LCD Operator display 50 cashiers 20 payment
- electronic cash register 192*64 LCD Operator display 57mm-75mm 1-station thermal printer Dot matrix Printer can optional
- electronic cash register 128*64 LCD Operator display 1xPS/2 1XRS232 1X drawer port
- electronic cash register 192*64 LCD Operator display
- Electronic cash register/CAJA REGISTRADORA/ ECR 8 Digits LED 50 cashiers
- 32 bit RAM ECR cheap cash register- fiscal cash register with Dot matrix printer LF500
- Electronic cash register/ CAJA REGISTRADORA /ECR LF100 can connect like scanner,scale
- electronic cash register 128*64 LCD Operator display
- Cash register -57mm 1-station thermal printer-8Digits LED Customer display
- ECR cheap cash register- fiscal cash register 192*64LCD Operator display
- Electronic cash register/CAJA REGISTRADORA/ ECR 8 Digits LED
- 57mm 1-station thermal printer ,4M bytes Multi-Purpose Flash ECR cheap cash register
- 64 keys ECR cheap cash register- fiscal cash register with Dot matrix printer LF500
- ECR cheap cash register- fiscal cash register with Dot matrix printer LF500
- 57mm 1-station thermal printer ECR cheap cash register- fiscal cash register
- Electronic cash register-CAJA REGISTRADORA-ECR
- Cash register/ CAJA REGISTRADORA ECR LF100
- electronic cash register
- electronic cash register for retail stores,restaurants and bakeries